There's A First Time For Everything..

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Debra Plett

a year ago

I love this shot Heather…so so cool. It looks like the deer wants to make friends with the cat. Terrific lighting and composition, so glad you had your camera with you.

Heather Mellon

a year ago

Thank you Debra. I got a nice series of photos of the deer reacting to the cat and was concerned at first that he might go after it but you could be right about that. Unfortunately kitty wasn't very interested :)

Clifford Dupuis

a year ago

Nicely captured moment in time. Well done

Heather Mellon

a year ago

Thank you Clifford. It was a great way to start the day. I just missed getting a photo of four deer passing through shortly before that so this made up for it very nicely.

Yves Langlois

a year ago

Lovely shot Heather. You caught a very cool moment in the day to day life of the deer. The expression in the face says it all. The lighted foreground with orange colours enhence the over shot. Appreciate also the toutch of light on its hears. Very good shot.

Heather Mellon

a year ago

Thank you Yves. This was taken in the early morning light through the window. I saw the deer come around one of the buildings and decided to get the camera, not expecting anything like this. It was a fun moment to capture.

Including meeting up with a cat. I caught this mule deer enjoying some fresh green grass in the pasture when a cat appeared on the scene. The cat was pretty nonchalant about the situation since he was busy hunting mice but judging by the look on the deer's face this was its first encounter with a cat.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
April 24, 2024
mule deer and a cat encounter animal mammal wildlife livestock sheep elk outdoors ecoregion vertebrate natural_landscape sunlight grass fawn plant
  • Focal: 190
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.3

Other Photos by Heather